Patient Stories

Having spoken to many patients and their carers over the years (as a nurse and researcher), Lynn knows only too well how powerful it can be to share your stories about a healthcare experience. This is particularly so, if someone has had a bad experience and writing it down can feel like a weight has been lifted. 

We want to hear your story

We want to hear your stories about how well or how bad you think healthcare professionals have spoken or interacted with you or someone close to you.  

Will it be confidential?

Absolutely.  We can use your first name if you like in the blog, or we can change it.  We won’t mention any individual services or staff directly.

What happens to your story?

Firstly, we read your story.  If we have any questions, we may come back to you with some questions.  This is usually by email.  Consequently, we might adapt your story slightly to add in a bit more detail.  We then turn your story into a blog, and let you read this before we post it on the website. We want you to feel happy and comfortable with what we have done.

If you are responding to us from our YouTube channel ‘Let’s Talk Health’ we may be able to use your story to help us generate an animation to help other young people learn from your experience.

There are two main things we want to learn from your experience(s).

  1. What would you like healthcare professionals to learn from your experience?
  2. What would you like other patients to learn from your experience?

These can be good or bad learning points.

Your stories will be shared on our social media platform to support learning.  We may also use your stories in our teaching of healthcare professionals.  What better way to learn from real life experiences?  Staff really value this.

Example story

Laura wrote a blog for us and found the experience really helpful and supported her in her recovery

Submit your story

Click the pink box below to submit your story.  We really do look forward to hearing from you.

Submit a Story
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An Unsettling Ultrasound Experience: A Patient’s Perspective

A candid account of her negative experience during a medical procedure.  She conveys feelings of confusion, discomfort and a lack of empathy from the staff involved.
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Ongoing health issues and feeling unheard

This patient's story demonstrates the importance of effective communication, thorough investigation of symptoms, and providing patient's with clear explanations and understanding.
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Waiting for ultrasound scan results

Explore the emotional impact of waiting for ultrasound scan results through personal stories, to improve healthcare communication.
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Process of being diagnosed left me feeling hopeless

I would regularly visit my local GP, complaining of this pain, and was advised that the pain came from an intolerance to lactose, stomach bugs, and stomach ulcers. It didn't.
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Poor communication

Peter experienced various errors whilst in the hospital, due to poor communication and had no support when he was discharged home.
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Mental health: No quick fix

We hear the story of 'S' and we can read the advice she would give other patients and to healthcare professionals. There is no quick fix to mental health.
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GP consultation left me confused

Jessica is sent for an ultrasound scan but is left waiting for her results. When she receives them from a GP, she is left confused and uncertain as to what is wrong with her.
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Health Literacy: Prostate Cancer

I focus on health literacy and accessibility of information in healthcare but it wasn't until my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer that I experienced this first hand.
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Palliative Care – Clair’s story

Clair describes her passion for receiving palliative care to support her living well with a terminal illness.
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World Hearing Day

To celebrate World Hearing Day we share some personal stories about poor communication and hearing loss.
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Losing Carol: my sister

Lynn invited me to write my reflections down to help me with my grief, following the death of my sister Carol.  I can't tell you how much this exercise has helped me. 
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Facilitating shared decision making

Maintaining life is paramount.  But sometimes we have to listen to the voices of patients and find out what they want.
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