A key focus of healthcare is to improve communication between clinicians (doctor and nurses) and patients. But you know, it is a tricky one to get right. We all have our preferences for the way we wish to be communicated. For example, I like someone to listen to me, respect me, be clear and to the point, and not be overly sympathetic. I also want people to look at me and talk clearly because my hearing isn’t what it was.
It can be challenging for healthcare professionals to get it right every time and communicate with us as individuals. From my research and clinical practice, I know that doctors and nurses can sometimes feel hesitant or uncertain about what to tell patients or how to interact with them. It might be because clinicians don’t always know what information patients want to know.
Equally, patients have told us (in cancer services) that they don’t always know what to expect from their meetings with clinicians. They don’t know whether they can ask questions, whether they can take someone with them or how much information they want to know.
With patients and doctors help, we developed a consultation support tool to make things a little easier for everyone. You can learn more about the consultation support tool by watching the vide below or reading the available text.
The consultation support tool is made up of three different documents. 1. Your Consultation booklet. 2. leaflet 3. A guide for doctors (booklet). You can access the various parts of the consultation support tool by opening the links in the boxes below. Please do feel free to download them and print them.
Please read the booklet to help you prepare for your consultation.
Open the link to read the booklet
A leaflet for you to complete and share with your clinician. Just open the link.
This guide reminds doctors of key communication skills. Oepn the link to read the booklet